About musicLINK
musicLINK is the live music information service for Lincolnshire and the East Midlands.
Founded by the community in 1986, musicLINK is a unique service providing monthly diaries of events as well as a membership directory of music teachers, venues and other members.
We aim to make music more accessible and relevant to people across the region. Through musicLINK we promote interest, participation and study of all kinds of music. We also provide an essential ‘anti-clash’ diary enabling members to avoid putting on similar events at the same time.
The service is funded entirely by our members’ subscriptions. We have over 150 members, including 100 groups and organisations, representing well over 6500 music lovers across the region.
In November 2016, musicLINK faced the threat of winding up after failing to find new committee members. So, soundLINCS surveyed the membership and the overwhelming response was that members valued the long running music information service and wanted it to continue. Therefore, to save it from closure, soundLINCS took over the running of musicLINK. We have invested in it to keep it relevant, informative and accessible including creating a Facebook page and new website.
We love to welcome new members so please do spread the word - membership is open to individuals, groups and organisations. Membership gives access to the directory and monthly diaries and provides opportunities to advertise services and events. Through the service, members are also able to connect with people passionate about music across the region.
For more information visit our Membership information page, email music-link@soundlincs.org or call 01522 510073. To join our musicLINK Facebook group for free, visit www.facebook.com/groups/MUSICLINK2016.
To find out more about the history of musicLINK, founding member and former Chairman and Membership Secretary Keith Jobling wrote a fantastic history piece for us at the beginning of 2017. Read it here.
For more information about soundLINCS visit www.soundlincs.org.